Tuesday, January 30, 2007

CPT (M) Sdn Bhd Supervisory Training Program

Supervisors at "work", thinking what to do...
Intense discussion during workshop
Innovative planning session
I am speaking on behalf of my team, ok ?

A 4 Days Supervisory training program for CPT (M) Sdn Bhd. - "Kecemerlangan Kemahiran Pengurusan Penyeliaan" was carried out for their supervisors (3 groups). The first two days was the Excellent Supervisory Program and followed by the next two days of Management Skills. All the participants were very enthusiatic and determine to excel in their career. At the end of each session, they have to seat for a test to determine their understanding and all of them did very well.

Congratulations to all the participants, and SYABAS to the management for the effort taken in building human capital.

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